Dwell Time - Our Blog

I Need My Husband’s Approval
Amber Starling Amber Starling

I Need My Husband’s Approval

You’ve heard it before. You want to hire a housekeeper but your husband says “we can do it ourselves.” Read more for tips in how to respond.

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Navigating High Demand Cycles
Amber Starling Amber Starling

Navigating High Demand Cycles

Each year, high demand cycles make it hard for you to get a house cleaner. How can you be the early bird that gets the worm?

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Mask Policy: May 18,2021
Amber Starling Amber Starling

Mask Policy: May 18,2021

The mask mandate ended in the City of Manhattan on May 16 at midnight. However, businesses may still set their own policies and procedures regarding the use of masks. What follows is the Good Witch Cleaning Services, LLC mask policy.

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Why Does House Cleaning Cost So Much?
Amber Starling Amber Starling

Why Does House Cleaning Cost So Much?

There are lots of hidden costs to cleaning, and even more if your cleaning company is operating legally in your market. Let’s go over some of these costs.

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