Stinky Boys!
One of my clients has two teenage boys. When the pandemic started and gyms were closed, they decided to set up a workout area in their bedroom. Mom is mortified, “I thought it smelled before! I don’t know what to do, besides burn the whole house down.”
Odor control is a multi-step process and especially complex odors (certain spices, environmental tobacco smoke) or situations with a large or specialized scope of work (Hoarding Disorder cleanup, odors due to pests, fire/smoke/mold) will likely require the intervention of an expert. But for minor household issues, there are simple steps a homeowner can take to reduce or eliminate odors.
Today we will focus on sweaty gym boy odors; we can cover pet odors, cooking odors, and tobacco odors in later posts. Check out our post on potty training for tips on cleaning pet accidents with enzyme cleaners.
Remove Stinky Things
The first step in odor control is to remove things that may have odor on them. Keeping the room free of soiled laundry and changing linens frequently will help to keep odors at bay.
Get Air Flow Often
I know your boys want their door closed 24/7 for privacy, but airing out the room as often as possible will make a huge difference. Open the window and the door, and place a fan between them. The fan should be facing the window so that the stale air goes outside (and not into the rest of your home— ick).
Clean Thoroughly
What about the things you can’t remove? Soft items hold odors, so having the mattress and carpets professionally cleaned and deodorized will make a huge difference. Hard surfaces can be wiped down with a good general purpose cleaner and then…
Use an Enzyme Cleaner
Enzyme cleaners break down the proteins in bodily fluids. Bacteria feed on these proteins and excrete waste. The bacterial waste is what causes odors to keep returning. If you remove the proteins, the bacteria will have nothing to eat and will die off, removing odors. You will have to repeat the clean/enzyme cycle often: every time your kid flops onto his bed after a workout, he’s bringing in new bacteria and sweat.
Amber Starling, Author
Founder and President of
Good Witch Cleaning Services, LLC
IICRC Journeyman Textile Cleaner